Sunday, April 13, 2008

Collecting is an Artform

Okay so I know I was supposed to bring you my thoughts on the biggest games of 08' but I'm going to take time out to talk about the "bug" that's bitten my lately.

As some of you know, I collect games. It's just what I like to do. Lately Its consumed me. I have a bit of a vendetta against Ebay. I don't like it. First off, I don't like the idea of "competing" with people to buy stuff. I like the comfort of being able to walk up to somebody who's got something to sell, plunk down my cash and walk away with it. It's that simple. Yes, there are some great deals to be had there, and things can get more expensive there too. There are also some great "one-of-a-kinds" on there too. I'm sad to say that I broke my own promise to myself and in the past weeks I've been a bit obsessed with hunting down game relics on Ebay. I'm happy to say that I've since calmed down and now I only check occasionally and hopefully I can phase it out all together.

It doesn't help that I'm a little bitter that I got beat out of an auction that I thought I had wrapped up a few weeks ago. Yeah, I had it won until like the last two minutes what I was outbid by like 2 bucks. Yeah I'm REAL bitter about it. But then my ego was soothed later when I got a great deal on a Neo-Geo cart. But it just pisses me off and it's too damn competitive. It really get bad when you start winning and now you're hooked, looking for your next win to get that "fix". I'll be the first to admit the high that's to be had after you win, especially when you get something on the cheap like I did. I've come to my senses though and I still hate the site.

I'm actually trying to chill out on collecting for a little while. I've got enough current releases to worry about. I can't be concerned with the past for now. Even though I love nostalgia. I think a part of my collecting is the memories each game brings back. I can remember things that were going on around me when I was playing some of those games. Like the first super Mario Bros. I remember staying in my room for hours playing that game when I first got it. And like playing my Saturn brings back memories of my first job. I bought my Sega Saturn with my first two checks what I was 15. Lets see that was 13 years ago?

Some acquisitions are to satisfy the inner child in me. Like the Neo-Geo I got like 4 years ago or so. I never had one as a kid. and hell neither did anyone else in my neighborhood growing up. They just cost too damn much. Like $600-$700 bucks! Which I would say in unheard of except for something called the PS3 but we won't go there. So yeah I finally got one cuz' I never had one as a kid. Got it for like $150 bucks. I'm still chasing a few carts but damn there sill expensive even after all these years.

Alright well I'm done rambling for now. Everybody enjoy your night.

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